Rockin My Baby Stella...ella...ella

I am tone deaf.  Not quite William Hung tone deaf.  But relatively close.  And yet, I have dreams of soothing my imagined bundle of joy each night with a whispered lullabye.  Or more like multiple times each night...and day.

What do you think William Hung sings to his baby?  Does William Hung have child?  I'm too embarrassed to google the phrase "does William Hung have a child?" and find out.  Watch THIS while thinking about it and let me know if you have an answer to either of these important questions.

Singing to babies is standard parent pratice.  Lullabyes are a whole category of music dedicated to little ones.  Singing about babies is also quite popular.  Sweet Baby James, to name one.  

Many a baby has been named after a song, including a few well known babies.  Moses Martin was named after a song that Chris Martin wrote for Gwyneth Paltrow.  Jude Law's namesake is the Beatles' classic "Hey Jude."  The 1951 Broadway musical Paint Your Wagon made famous the song "They Call the Wind Mariah" and Mariah Carey's parents found inspiration to name their future daughter.  Unlike the parents of Jude and Mariah, I don't think I or we (I suppose my husband should be included in this decision) have been that inspired by a single song.  I love dancing to Michael Jackson music, but I don't intend to be the proud mother of a Billie Jean.  

So, even though it would be fitting to sing "Brandy" (by Looking Glass) to my daughter Brandy, a less obvious match will have to do.  And by letting go of the apropo aspect, I could choose a song that I love and that makes sense to the parent-child relationship.  Let's face it, the song Brandy leaves a little to be desired in terms of lullabye substance ("Brandy, you're a fine girl, what a good wife you would be, but my life, my love and my lady, is the sea").  

With this in mind I came up with the part disturbing part genius idea of singing Umbrella, by Rihanna, to my future daughter, Stella.  Taking a slight lyrical liberty, of course.  

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
Rocking my baby Stella

Rockin my baby Stella
Rockin my baby Stella

Back to the drawing board?