Children's Books - A special book for the new dad to read to his new little one. Here are some books specifically dedicated to the father-child relationship.
- Daddies are for Catching Fireflies by Harriet Ziefert
- My Father Knows the Names of Things
by Jane Yolen
- The Daddy Book
by Todd Parr
- I Love My Daddy
by Sebastien Braun
Diaper Bag - You've heard of the manbag (aka the manpurse), here is a man's diaper bag. The color scheme and cross-body strap amp up the masculinity. It looks more aggressive-messenger-bag and less pansy-boy-shoulder-purse. With this diaper bag, Uncommon Goods includes a onesie that reads "locally grown" and The Baby Owner's Manual: Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips and Advice on First Year Maintenance
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Child Proofing Kit - Let the man of the house be in charge of child-proofing for the baby of the house. These kits include door knob covers, cabinet safety latches and outlet plugs. There are plenty of brands and kits to choose from, here are a couple:
Father-to-be Scrubs - For the father that plans to be front and center during the delivery, how about some "I'm the Daddy" scrubs