Rosie Pope Said...Wha???

Last week's post, Slightly Scared of Being Pregnant in Heels, has received a lot of attention.  I would love to attribute this interest to my witty, insightful and altogether brilliant writing skills, but that's definitively (and unfortunately) not the case.  I'll explain.  I track the ways that people find this blog: links from other websites, twitter, search engines, etc.  If someone gets here from a search engine, I'm able to see the precise phrase that was searched.  Here are just a few of the exact phrases that led people to Next Stop - Baby over the past seven days:

  • pregnant in heels host speech impediment (MANY googled/binged/yahooed this one)
  • Pregnant in Heels host speech
  • what is up with rosie pope speech impediment
  • rosie pope disability
  • Rosie Pope lisp
  • Rosie Pope speech impediment
  • is pregnant in heels host deaf
  • rosie's lips on pregnant in heels
  • pregnant in heels host rosie pope lisp
  • r osie pope speech impediment?

Finally, my personal favorite - "anyone notice rosie pope has a lisp".  Yes and YES.  Everyone has noticed.  Though I'm not willing to concede that her speech is more interesting than the highly eccentric and highly pregnant women on her show, I am willing to admit that I understand the fascination given that the question remains unanswered.  How are we supposed to stop debating it until we get an answer one way or another?

So, what exactly is the issue with Rosie Pope's speech?  I HAVE THE ANSWER, sort of.  NextStopBaby follows RosiePope on twitter (and we have actually exchanged a couple tweets, ehem, ehem).  Yesterday, @RosiePope tweeted the following response to a question posed by one of her followers/speech impediment enthusiasts (@DanielleDiDit):

"Not aware of impediment but now u have me wandering- think just accent;)"@DanielleDiDit :do u have speech impediment or just "crazy" accent"

Thank you DanielleDiDit for going to the source and asking the question everyone else was afraid to ask, but absurdly curious to know the answer.

UPDATE (5/17/11) - Some of the comments below are...negative (to put it lightly).  For now, I've decided not to erase any of them because I think it's a bad precedent.  However, I do want to point out that they are not my thoughts (my thoughts are above only) and I do want to suggest that if Ms. Pope's voice genuinely upsets you it's as easy as switching the channel.