A Day of Celebration - Teen Mom 3

Teen Mom is BACK.  Yes it is.  The four teen beauties (Maci, Farrah, Catelynn and Amber) and their babies (Bentley, Sophia, Carly and Leah) have returned for another season of "ummms" and "likes" and "whatevers."  And, of course, they have returned to continue giving a realistic perspective on the trials and tribulations of parenting when you yourself are only a child.  Right?  That's what Teen Mom is all about - showing all those impressionable teen viewers that getting knocked up at sixteen will irrevocably alter their future and pretty much send their lives into a tailspin.  It's not about glamorizing young motherhood, giving abusive relationships one more go, or gaining self-esteem from a quick boob job.  And it's definitely not about exploiting your baby to make some dough and become a low-grade celebrity.  Nope.  Nope...

Farrah Abraham hanging out at the beach
without her baby girl Sophia, but
with a brand new set of twins...breasts not babies

(image HERE)

Listen, as thick and intentional as my sarcasm may be, I'm a fan...and a hypocrite.  I watch Teen Mom (all seasons) and I thoroughly enjoy doing so.  I root for the moms to make good decisions, I oooh and awww at the adorable milestones of their children and I get sucked into all the relationship drama that dominates each scene.  It's entertaining.  And, I'll admit, does in fact teach a life lesson now and then...though I would not go as far as to consider Maci Bookout a moral compass.

Enough of my rant.  Today, in celebration of Teen Mom 3, I will be intermittently posting Stuff People Google phrases all day long that are related to the Teen Mom 3 cast.  The first will post at 10 a.m. and the rest will follow every few hours.

Most of the phrases are disturbing and perverted.  As long as you expect that, you won't be too shocked and uncomfortable.