Bonkers for Baby Bonkies

Have I finally taken my need to alliterate post titles too far?

Let's talk (aka: I'll write, you read and comment) about the phenomenon of swaddling.  I probably use the word phenomenon too often, but in this case it happens to be accurate.  Swaddling is the act of binding a baby's arms firmly against his/her little body with a blanket or, as I'm about to show you, a Baby Bonkie.

Why is swaddling a phenomenal method of parenting?  When the baby is in utero he or she is packed like a pickle.  The outside world is a sudden mess of overwhelming stimuli.  Swaddling mimics that pickle jar condition and eases the transition.  Infants have strong startle reflexes that can trigger a flailing limb into an unsuspecting eyeball.  Eye poking injuries are made impossible when those arms are locked down in a mini straight jacket.  Swaddling also keeps the baby warm, which is especially important for newborns whose body temperatures take a bit to regulate.

Back to the Baby Bonkie (more alliteration...awesome).  The Baby Bonkie is like a How To Swaddle for Dummies tool and made me look like a swaddling pro without a stitch of practice.

EXHIBIT A - The step by step process of me swaddling a DIY Home Improvement book...remember, I don't have a baby.

Step 1 - Slip the book in the Bonkie

Step 2 - Pull up the bottom flap

Step 3 - Pull over the left flap and secure the velcro

Step 4 - Pull over the right flap and secure the velcro

Step 5 - That book looks snug as a bug in a Baby Bonkie

It was so fun and easy that I then swaddled a bag of rolls.  
Those brioches look colic-free to me.

Other than being user-friendly (even for my babyless self), here are other things I love about the Baby Bonkie:

  • Well made
  • Eco-friendly options
  • Velcro fastens instead of zipper (accidentally zipping some soft baby skin would be a nightmare)
  • The fabrics options are beautiful - the designs are fun and colorful without being hokey.  Some designs come in a cotton exterior and minkee lining and others come in a minkee exterior and minkee lining.   

Now, it's only fair that I show you an actual baby in a Baby Bonkie (in case the book and bag of brioches didn't give you an accurate idea).