Shower Like the Duggars

Traditionally, a mother got one baby shower for her first born.  By one I mean one.  Not two or three baby showers for one baby and no baby showers for younger siblings.  The third, forth and nineteenth baby (if you're the Duggars) didn't get a baby shower.

Josie, the youngest Duggar baby,
was born on December 10, 2009
weighing on 2 pounds and 9 ounces
because she was fifteen weeks premature.

Nowadays that's just not true.  Multiple baby showers are allowed.  Baby showers for a second, third or nineteenth child are allowed.  Of course some people remain traditionalists - in life and in baby showers - but you can't please everyone.  And, when it comes to throwing a baby shower, isn't the goal to please the mom-to-be?  That's certainly a good reason to break tradition.

If you're feeling a little uneasy about coloring outside the lines, here are some modern rules that you can preach if someone gives you lip:

The Firsts Rule - Is their something original about this baby-to-be?  It's the first boy/girl of the family?  Is this the first baby with this partner?  Is this baby the a long, long time (aka a significant number of year's after his or her other siblings)?

Victoria Beckham had a baby shower for 
Harper Seven Beckham, her first girl 
after having three boys.  
Who knew Posh could be so silly?  
She's the third mummy (get it?) from the left.

The Multiples Rule - Is the mom expecting twins or triplets...or something more?  Even if a sibling exists, having multiple babies at once is a major and unexpected (usually) financial undertaking.  A few small gifts could make a big difference.

The Disaster Relief Rule - Has the expecting mother just gone through some disaster that makes her in need of a little extra emotional and material support?  For example, she or her partner lost a job or have a life threatening illness.  Or, an actual natural disaster took out the family home.  Helping friends in need is about as traditional as it gets.

Happy baby showering.