The Finding Nemo Hat by Knit Nut by JL is available in
two sizes: small (3-12 months) and large (1-3 years).
two sizes: small (3-12 months) and large (1-3 years).
This Dino Hat by Babies Bugs and Bees comes preemie to 6 months.
this hat is an obvious choice for Halloween.
This Green Monster Hat by Fashion Touch is sized for newborns and is perfect
for a Bostonian baby (it's a Red Sox reference for those who don't know).
This Little Lamb Hat by Ravel is made to order and can fit all size baby heads.
It's adorable. That's fall-winter-spring adorable (not just Halloween).
This Tiger Hat by Our Cozy Cottage is sized for 0-3 months.
Add a little orange onesie and you have a Ggggggg-reat Halloween costume.