Holiday Gift Countdown...over

Back in November I had this genius idea of posting 25 holiday gift ideas for the special baby in your life.  In my excitement of showing you these gifts, I forgot that you have to purchase and wrap the gift in advance.  And, that many of you (including myself) exchange gifts before December 25th.  I exchanged some gifts as early at December 10th this year.  Realizing this just the other day, I decided to bring my genius idea to a halt a bit

So, here is one last gift idea - not because I think you'll have time to purchase it in time for Christmas (if I'm being honest), but because it's the cutest thing and my bestie WW laughs every time she looks at the photo below.  It's a bearded hat and it's fantastic.  The Esty crafter who makes it (By Laura) also has adult sizes.  Get crazy.

Bearded Hat By Laura ($39)