Baby Crazed Grandparents

It's not just women of child-bearing age and desire that go baby crazy.  The parents of those women can go baby crazy as well.  And when a grandparent-to-be is baby crazy, it sort of blows all other forms of baby craze straight out of the pond.  Here's why: Grandparents are older than parents (you knew that) and it's well established law that the older a person gets the fewer rules he/she will follow and the fewer niceties he/she will extend.  Boundaries and limits are meaningless to old people.  Generally, old people don't give a shit.

She would totally cut you in line at the pharmacy
and elbow you if you put up a fight.

(image here)

When this free-for-all attitude combines with a severe desire to be a grandparent, the result is social inappropriateness at its worst.  I knew a woman who collected books for her unconceived grandchildren from the time her own child turned sixteen.  Yep, 16.  Mind you, I knew her child when he was around thirty, without kids and without a prospective baby mama in his life.  I know women who collect Christmas ornaments and clothes for their unconceived grandchildren.  And I know one woman who buys baby products (high chair, etc.) for her home for when her unconceived baby visits.  It was such a deep discount for such a quality product, she couldn't not buy it...

This sort of extreme baby craze can definitely knock the baby craze out of a lesser committed individual.  It's down right scary.  But, can this behavior be controlled and/or stopped?  Circle back to the beginning of the post.  The answer is no, no it cannot.  Grandparent aged folk are crazy by law.  The baby part is just a focus for that crazy.  There's nothing that can be done other than to ride out the socially inappropriate wave and remember that it comes from a place a deep, profound love.  Usually.

Who is the most baby crazed grandparent-wanna-be that you know?  Any good stories?  I'd love to hear about the baby crazed woman who bought her daughter ovulation test kits and prenatal vitamins?  Or baby crazed parents who consult their child's boss about whether he seemed like he would make a good father?