people who named their kid katniss
It's not the craziest or grossest phrase I've shared. Rather, I think I googled these exact words at some point last year when I was writing the highly popular post I referenced: Katniss Is Not a Real Name. I was taken aback by how popular that post was (and still is).
Many people challenged my assertion...that Katniss is not a real name. There are comments that 1) Katniss IS a real name and 2) many popular names having been derived from characters in famous works of fiction. My opinion was swayed by all the comments, but only slightly. I still have yet to meet someone named Katniss or even hear of someone named Katniss. So, I'm holding firm that Katniss is not a real name until that happens. I'm curious as to whether the typist of today's phrase found an answer to his or her question.