Stuff People Google 66 (and Name That Bump)

WOOHOO - Stuff People Google is back this week with the following slightly bizarre phrase:

cute photos of childs on balcony

There's the obvious grammar issue and there's the weird substance.  Why would one want cute photographs of children on a balcony?  I can't think of a reasonable answer to this question.  What I do know is why the typist landed on Next Stop Baby - a photograph of Michael Jackson holding his son Blanket over the edge of a balcony from a past post (here).

Now - Let's also talk about Tuesday's preliminary edition of Name That Bump.  Let's first review the headless photo first:

Now, here is the reveal:

Nicole Richie!!! 

I got some feedback via comments and offline conversation (with friends and family who called and said things like - that's such a weird headless photo, who the hell is that, there's no way I could tell just from the photo).   Going forward, I'm going to incorporate "Name That Bump" editions as a Next Stop Baby staple (haven't decided how often that will happen).  The photo created intrigue, if not a bit of frustration, which is a good thing.  But, I'll also include a couple hints to give everyone a realistic chance of guessing the momma-to-be.

Have a great weekend.