A Parent's Halloween Costume Duty

With Halloween around the corner (32 days away!), it's definitely time to start considering this year's costume.  I participated in a serious brainstorming session of my own this past weekend and I'm quite pleased with the front runner.  The pressure is on this year in light of the poor showing I've made in recent times.  My 2009 get-up as bottle of ketchup was followed by my 2010 failure to have any costume at all.  If you're thinking that the bottle of ketchup bit was cute and unusual, think again.  I found it on the floor of a Walmart at around 3 p.m. on Halloween day.  The red, pointy hat was missing and it had a foot print across the torso.  

I firmly believe that every man and woman should choose his or her own Halloween costume.  Forcing a child or significant other to wear something that he or she is simply not comfortable in works against the spirit of Halloween.  Ever seen a pink bunny costume on painfully sad little boy?  I have.  It's painful and sad.  The only exception to this rule goes to non-verbal family members.  Until language kicks in, it's the distinct responsibility of the parent to decide the child's costume and aptly execute such decision.  In comes Etsy.  Below are three Etsy inspired Halloween costumes for mini family members.  Each costs $30 or less for the entire costume.


Gryffindor onesie by Mud in my Blood ($10.95)
Harry Potter costume eye glasses by Amazon.com ($12)


Cat in the Hat onesie by Crazy Crafts by Rebasheba ($15) 
The Cat in the Hat's hat from Amazon.com ($10-15)


Crocheted football hat by Craft World ($10)
Plain brown onesie by Frenchy Baby Organics ($9)