Stuff People Google - Anniversary! (52)

It's the one year anniversary of Stuff People Google!  Well, technically, the original Stuff People Google was May 20, 2011...but the 20th is Sunday, so that just wouldn't work.  Fridays are Stuff People Google days and I don't typically post on Sunday, it's my day of rest, brunch and reality TV.

In celebration of this glorious anniversary, I'm hosting a little poll.  It's for fun.  There's no prize (sorry).  I've consulted some faithful NSB followers and narrowed down the past year of Stuff People Google editions to five favorites.  Comment with your favorite of the five below and, if you dare, share your reasoning.

For the record, my all time favorite edition was 42 - she said horse with a lisp.  Whenever I say it out loud (with a lisp) I nearly pee my pants laughing.  Try it.  But of course I'm going to vote from the choices above.